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KCI등재 학술저널

중국기독교 신학원교의 학제와 운영 현황

The Educational System and Current Situation of Chinese Theological Colleges and Universities

DOI : 10.14378/KACS.2022.78.78.4

중국 정치형세의 변화에 따라 종교중국화 공정이 시작되고, 중국 기독교계가 비교적 빠르게 반응하여 「기독교 중국화 5개년 사업계획」을 내놓았다. 실천 주역이 되는 교역자는 신학원교에서 육성되므로 중국기독교 신학원교의 설립 현황, 학제 구성, 운영 상황을 살피고자 하는 것이 목적이다. 8-90년대에 신학원교가 집중적으로 재건 및 신설되었는데 전국-행정구–성 단위의 위계적 형태로 설립되어 현재 22곳이 있다. 학제는 2년제 전과, 3년제 대전, 4년제 본과 등의 정규교육과정이 있고 함수반, 배훈반, 진수반의 이름으로 신학원교나 양회가 개설한 단기 교육반이 있다. 그 외 양회는 교역자 재교육 과정을 운영한다.

After the project began, Christianity responded relatively quickly among the five major religions and proposed the Five-Year Work Plan for Christian Chineseization, which set out five tasks. Since the faculty members to carry out various tasks are trained by the seminary school, the purpose of this paper is to understand the nature and current situation of the Christian seminary school in China. The Chinese Christian Theological Seminary probably resumed or opened in a relatively concentrated way during the eighties and nineties.From the beginning, it was established in a nationwide, metropolitan and provincial way.So far, there are 22 schools. The regular curriculum includes two-year secondary school, three-year college, four-year undergraduate, master s, and doctorate courses. Non-regular curriculums include short-term education courses under the name of correspondence courses, training courses, and training courses. The informal curriculum is ‘Regional CCC&TSPM’ can also open in addition to the seminary. In addition, ‘Regional CCC&TSPM’ have run a re-education training course for teachers, which deals with the Chineseization of Christianity, patriotism, Christian spirit, and religion.Policy and legal studies, etc. To apply for a new student, the first is to be a baptismalist, and the second is to have faith activities in the church for more than a year. Therefore, the church also opened a step-by-step basic doctrine study course for newcomers, such as ‘mudaoban’, ‘xuetuban’, and ‘menxunban.’

1. 들어가면서

2. 중국기독교 신학원교 설립 현황

3. 중국기독교 신학원교의 학제와 운영 현황

4. 기타 신학교육센터

5. 나가면서
