최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

미래형 놀이터 개발을 위한 인터랙티브 실외 놀이기구 유형 분석

Analysis of Types of Interactive Outdoor Play Equipment for Future Playground Development

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More and more children are spending all day with a variety of electronic devices such as TVs, smartphones, computer games, and digital learning in a changing social environment. Due to these changes in the play environment and culture, most of them are spent indoors rather than outdoors, and outdoor playgrounds are being neglected. However, physical activity in childhood is very important, and active play in various external environments is an essential activity for healthy growth. Therefore, in order to induce these children to the outdoor space, an interactive playground or smart playground that maximizes interaction by grafting digital technologies such as IT and IoT to the outdoor playground can be an alternative. Therefore, this study looked for interactive technology types and interactive technologies that help children s development in order to establish basic data for the development of new future interactive playgrounds and play equipment. Furthermore, considerations for the development of interactive playgrounds and rides and the types of interactive rides currently developed were investigated. As a result of the survey, interactive technology can be actively used for child development, and the types investigated as domestic outdoor playgrounds and playground equipment are rock climbing or exercise equipment linked with apps, coding learning rides linked with button-type apps, sports video projection, digital slides, and screen game-type exercise equipment were investigated. In total, 4 classifications, 6 basic types, and 7 detailed types were investigated. On the other hand, 15 types of foreign interactive rides, 40 basic types, and 56 detailed types were investigated. Therefore, it can be seen that the introduction and development of various types of interactive rides in Korea are necessary to suit the domestic reality. Based on this study, it was provided as basic data for design when introducing and developing domestic outdoor interactive playgrounds and play equipment in the future.

1. 서론

2. 아동발달과 인터랙티브 기술

3. 인터랙티브 놀이터와 놀이기구

4. 인터랙티브 실외 놀이 기구 유형 분석

5. 결론


