최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

첫물차 수확 시기별 하동 전통 홍차(잭살)의 성분과 향미 특성 변화

Changes in Ingredient and Quantity of Hadong Traditional Black Tea (Jaeksal) according to Harvest Periods

DOI : 10.29225/jkts.2022.28.1.10
  • 102

하동지역에서 과거부터 햇볕 아래에 산화하는 제다방식으로 홍차(잭살)를 만들어 음용하였다. 첫물차 수확 시기별 ‘잭살’의 성분과 품질(맛, 향기)을 비교하였다. 카페인 함량(%)은 1st HT(4월 중순) 잭살 2.36, 2nd HT(5월 초순) 잭살2.12, 3rd HT(5월 중순) 잭살 1.72, 총 카테킨 함량(%)은1st HT 1.90, 2nd HT 1.99, 3rd HT 2.04로 분석되 었다. 총 테아플라빈 함량(%)은2nd HT 0.51%로 가장 높았으며, 다음으로1st HT 0.40, 3rd HT 0.27로 가장 낮았다. 1st HT에서 총 유리아미노산 함량(mg/100 g) 2,257 (2.3%)으로 가장 높았으며, 다음으로 2nd HT 1,817 (1.8%), 3rd HT 1,357 (1.4%)으로 수확 시기가 늦을수록 유리아미노산 함량이 감소하였다. 테아닌 함량(mg/100 g)은 1st HT 838 (0.84%), 2nd HT 744 (0.74%), 3rd HT 462 (0.45%)로 수확 시기가 지연될수록 감소하는 경향을 보였다. 전체적 인 검출된 향기 성분은 2nd HT에서 57.4로 가장 높았으며, 3rd HT 55.9, 1st HT 54.3으로 측정되었다. 1st HT에서 짠맛, 감칠맛, 감칠맛 후미, 떫은맛 후미가 강하게 측정되었으며, 신맛, 쓴맛, 떫은맛 등은 약하게 측정되었다. 2nd HT는 감칠맛, 감칠맛 후미, 떫은맛 후미는1st HT 보다 낮았으나, 3rd HT보다 높았고, 떫은맛, 쓴맛은 가장 높게 측 정되어 전체적으로 맛 지표가 고르게 분포하였다.

In the Hadong region, black tea (Jeaksal) prepared by the method of oxidation under sunlight has been consumed since generations. This study compared the ingredients and quality (taste, aroma) of Jeaksal by evaluating the harvest periods. Highest and lowest levels of total caffeine were obtained in the 1st harvest (2.12%, April 15) and 3rd harvest (1.72%, May 14), respectively, as opposed to highest total catechin levels in the 3rd harvest (2.04%) and lowest in the 1st harvest (1.90%). Maximum theaflavin content was detected in the 2nd harvest (May 4). We further confirmed that the free amino acid content decreased with delayed harvest time. Evaluation of the fragrance components revealed that 9-carene with tree fragrance accounted for the highest ratio, and the total detected fragrance component was the highest at 57.4 in the 2nd harvest, followed sequentially by 55.9 in the 3rd harvest, and 54.3 in the 1st harvest. In the 1st harvested Jeaksal salty, umami, richness (after-umami), and after-astringent taste were strongly detected, whereas sour, bitter and astringent taste were weakly measured. The 2nd harvested Jeaksal, had maximum astringency and bitterness, and an evenly distributed overall taste index.


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