NBR과 MaxEnt 모델 분석을 활용한 희귀특산식물(개느삼) 분포 및 피해량 예측
Prediction of Potential Habitat and Damage Amount of Rare·Endemic Plants (Sophora Koreensis Nakai) Using NBR and MaxEnt Model Analysis: For the Forest Fire Area of Bibongsan (Mt.) in Yanggu
This study was conducted to predict the distribution of rare·endemic plants (Sophora koreensis Nakai) in the border forests where wildfire damage occurred and to quantify the damage. For this purpose, we tried to derive more accurate results through forest area damage (NBR) according to the Burn severity of wildfires, damage by tree species type (Vegetation map), and MaxEnt model. For Burn severity analysis, satellite imagery (Landsat-8) was used to analyze Burn severity (ΔNBR2016-2015) and to derive the extent of damage. To prepare the Vegetation map, the land cover map prepared by the Ministry of Environment, the Vegetation map prepared by the Korea Forest Service, and the vegetation survey conducted by itself were conducted to prepare the clinical map before and after the forest fire. Lastly, for MaxEnt model analysis, the AUC value was derived by using the habitat coordinates of Sophora koreensis Nakai based on the related literature and self-report data. As a result of combining the Maxent model analysis data with the Burn severity data, it was confirmed that 45.9% of the 44,760 ㎡ of habitat (predicted) area of Sophora koreensis Nakai in the wildfire damaged area or 20,552 ㎡, was damaged.
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