최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재후보 학술저널

한국교회와 초기 하와이 한인이민

The Korea Church and the early Korean Immigrants in Hawaii

There have been a number of articles concerning the early history of Korean immigration to Hawaii. However, although the Korean church played a decisive role in that history, it has not been properly recognized. In partic- ular, ideas and activitiesof Allen a medical missionary and roles of Rev. Jones of the Naeri Church in Incheon are crucial part of the history. They were forerunners who made it possible for Koreans to immigrate to the United States of America. Further, in the articles of this subject which have been produced so far, statistics as to the number of immigrants are not in accordance. So I haveattempted to correct it. At any rate, my paper aims at unveiling the fact that the early Korean Church were positively associated with the early history of Korean immigration to the States from a point of Christian world view.

1 . 들어가는 말

2 . 한국 의료선교의 아버지, 알렌

3 . 한인 이민의 아버지, 존스

4 . 일치되지 않은 하와이 이민 통계

5 . 하와이 한인들의‘도전과 응전’

6 . 맺음말
