최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재후보 학술저널

충남ㆍ천안 지역의 개신교 수용과 용두리교회

The Beginnings of the Protestantism in Choongnam·Chunan District and Yongdoori Church

Choongchungnam-do was a sector of the America s Methodist Episcopal Church, but also the Presbyterian Church(U.S), the Baptist lineage and the Holiness took charge of a important part for building up the Church of this area. The America s Methodist Episcopal Church begun to evangelize in the Choongnam Province from 1902. And the American Methodist organized Chunan district from 1909, and expanded missions area centering around Mokchun and Gumidong. So they ensure 1,313 believers at 1933. The cheers movement of Byungchun(Aunai) in the Chunan be closely connected with the existence of Yongdoori church in Mokchun-Gun Idong-myun. Yu Binki, Yu Joongmoo(uncle of Yu Gwansun) and Cho Inwon were Yu Gwansun s family circle. They reconstructed the church that was burned by Japanese military in 1908 and they are people in friendship with the protestant and the West cul- ture and institutions. I think that the protestant church s nationalistic trend to find at the Choongnam mission spot in the early years of the 20C is an ap-pearance which was occurred because the person who were already an an- ti-Japanese people and identified material and political side of the modern age with the protestant joined in the Church as a group.

1. 서론

2. 선교지역 분할과 충청남도

3. 미감리회의 충남 선교

4. 천안지역 감리교회의 형성과정

5. 충남의 개신교 수용 양상과 용두리교회

6. 결론

