유관순 리더십 연구를 통한 여학생 리더십 교육프로그램 개발방안
A Study on the Development of Feminine Leadership Programthrough YuKwanSoon
- 백석대학교 유관순연구소
- 유관순연구
- 유관순 연구 제3호
- 2004.12
- 57 - 103 (47 pages)
The purpose of this study is to explore leadership revealed in YuKwanSoon’s life that has exerted a significant influence upon the substance of the spiritual and practical worlds, and to give Korean Feminine Educational Program the theoretical and practical paradigms of ideal leadership shown through YukwanSoon. In 21st century of borderless business era, the circumstances around compa- nies change very rapidly. Therefore, it is required for the feminine leadership, which is responsible to lead participants’ effort and direction, to be presented to a new direction which is suitable for new paradigm. In order to investigate, the researcher examined this study through Descriptive Content analysis Method. Before discussing this research, the re- searcher simply illustrated the concept of feminine leadership and various theo- ries of feminine leadership based on theoretical background. Then, the researcher analyzed the feminine leadership revealed in YuKwanSoon’s life. This study not only supplies the explanation about the phenomenon of feminine leadership but also makes it possible to recognize the importance of feminine leadership. Furthermore, this study intends to contribute to increase the leadership of female through effective management of a uni- versity undergraduate.
I. 머리말
II. 유관순의 여성적 리더십에 관한 이론적 연구
III. 21세기형 여학생 리더십 교육프로그램을 위한 사례연구
IV. 여학생 리더십 교육프로그램 개발방안
V. 맺음말