영화를 통해 재현된 유관순의 삶
Yu Gwansun’s Life in the Films
- 백석대학교 유관순연구소
- 유관순연구
- 유관순 연구 제3호
- 2004.12
- 33 - 55 (23 pages)
Yu Gwansun is one of the figures who represent the independence move- ments of Korean Church, especially 3ㆍ1 Independence Movement. The em- bodiment of her life and 3ㆍ1 Movement through films became one of the mo- tifs which widen the width of understanding on her life. Considering the mass mediatory influence of a film, it is significant that ‘Yu Gwansun memorial foundation’ has sought to produce both literature and films from the beginning. It is essential that embodiment of something by using a film goes through a process of ‘imagination’. That kind of embodiment is not ‘a restoration of facts’ but ‘a reappearance of facts through imagination’. It has powerful influ- ence by printing more realistic images than facts. And such influence becomes to be amplified in understanding of historical figures. A case of understanding relating to a rumour that her body was mangled by the Japanese authorities shows a possibility that ‘imaged facts’ can be trans- formed into true facts to overwhelm original facts in the end. It alludes to what to keep in mindwhen we produce biographical films and interpret them. Because it shows a possibility that ‘image excess’ can overpower original facts.
I. 머리말
II. 유관순 영화의 개황(槪況)
III. 유관순 영화의 분석
IV. 맺음말: 영화적 재현이 지니는 영향력에 대한 성찰