최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재후보 학술저널

1940년대 한국광복군 여성대원들의 입대동기와 역할

The enlistment motive and role of the women’s Korean Independence Army in the 1940’s

This study deals with the enlistment motive and role of the women’s Korean Independence Army in the 1940’s. I found that the social background of the women who joined the Korean Independence Army was diverse. They were the family members or wives of the participants of the independence movement, the women who went into the exile away from the oppression of the Japanese police and the ones worked once in kisaeng’s house, etc.. The women enlisted the Army with various motivations. Some thought of the enlist as a way to enhance the women’s right, while others were drawn to the Army with the death of the family members by the Japanese. Among them Oh Kwang-sim and Ji Bock-young were relatively in a high ranks in the Army. They exclaimed Who can deprive us from the equal rights if we boast to show men’s capacity and character and if we work and bleed like men for the mother country? and participated actively into the services in the front and the rear as male members did. The women joined hands with men managed to finish military training and excises, participated in the propaganda campaigns and recruitment activities, and shared with strategical secret services for the Korean-American joint military work. But the female members of the Army could not escape from the stereotyped role of women at the time. Because they were given extra works what wom- an’s supposed to do, the sewing, laundering and nursing activities etc.

I. 서론

II. 한국광복군 여성대원들의 출신 배경

III. 한국광복군 여성대원들의 입대 동기

IV. 한국광복군 여성대원들의 역할

V. 결론

