최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재후보 학술저널

작가의 삶과 작품에 나타난 윤리 양상(Ⅰ)

Life of an Author and Ethics in His Literary Works

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There is a saying, A writing is the person himself . Because of this, we are able to come to an understanding of what kind of person the writer is for his styles of thinking and characteristics are evidently shown through in every piece of his compositions. The author s created literary piece also supports in the same realm of in- dicating his personality traits and the person himself. For a story is just an em- bodiment of fiction world through mild imagination, there is always the mani- festation of the author s ideology and his philosophy. Supposing that the stories are written on an identical issue and incident, a whole different literature could be created by each authors because of this very reason. As every faces and fin- gerprints are identical to one another, each individual s way of thinking and perspectives are distinctive. The present writer tried to observe the life of an author and the ethical as- pect of his novels by the very perception. It wasassumed that the ethical and the moralistic states would be disparate through contrasting conditions of an author s life, and it was approved to be true. The specific authors and their literary works that was thoroughly observed in this article are the novels Moo Jung(Heartlessness) , and Kwang Yeom Sonata , plus several other pieces of Kwang Soo Lee and Dong In Kim, the typical novelist models of early Korean literary today. What makes it interesting is that, although this article had not genuinely covered them, Kwang Soo Lee s Dahn Jong Ae Sa and Dong In Kim s Dae Soo Yang turned out to be in totally conflicting forms although it s been writ- ten on in a same historical event. Therefore, we should come toa realization of the fact that the life of an author clearly determines the moralistic values of his novels.

Ⅰ. 서언

Ⅱ. 작가와 작품윤리(1) : 이광수의 경우

Ⅲ. 작가와 작품윤리(2) : 김동인의 경우

Ⅳ. 결어

