최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재후보 학술저널

청소년 문제와 덕성교육

Youth Problems and the Nurturing of Virtues

Most Koreans consider a successful life as possessing political and bureau- cratic power, high social status, and material wealth because they can dominate and control others, secure legal protection and privileges, have an easy life, and enjoy sensual pleasure when they possess these. So people focus every as- pect of their life from receiving education to doing business on achieving these three. The teen agers of Korea are also deeply infected by this view of life of the adults. This was one cause of making the youth form a wrong image of a successful life. In addition to this, the values of the modern industrial society and the postmodern society have also affected the youth to form a wrong im- age of a successful life. Having a wrong image of a successful life push the youth to break social ethical rules and commit dilinquencies. To reform the view of values of the youth, we must help the youth to acquire virtues through education and discipline at home, school, and society in general.

Ⅰ. 서론

Ⅱ. 청소년 문제의 현실

Ⅲ. 해결을 위한 모색

