‘귁幗’자의 훈고학적 고찰
Exegetical Review on the letter Guik(幗) - On the Liuguansoon(柳寬順) s remnant, Bianguo(編幗) -
- 백석대학교 유관순연구소
- 유관순연구
- 유관순 연구 제5호
- 2005.12
- 153 - 169 (17 pages)
The knitted cap is a remnant Liuguansoon made herself to present to a nephew, a son of a male cousin. It was three years before she would die in the prison, and one or two years before she would lead the Demonstration of Long Live in the Aunae Market area. The cap is one of daily articles, coarse knitted to feel neat and light. It looks so delicate that, even if a new born baby put on, it would not feel heavy, but brisk. The caps in general could be classified to two sorts, Guanmao(冠帽) and Jinjuo(巾幗). Guanmao is a general term for hats without distinction of sex. Jinjuo, however, denotes the caps the women or girls put on. The cap Liuguansoon knitted seems to inherit the Jinjuo s traditon since the Age of Three Countries, as it is about one year old baby s cap which do not tell the boy s or the girl s, and has the laces of lady s taste which the boy s cap(Putou 幞頭) has not. The stuff, however, is not cloth but knitting yarn, so that the cap is regarded as Bianguo(編幗). The importance of formation letters is more great, not only in the literal se- mantics that the letters of same formation system have same phonetic values, but also in the linguistic semantics that the phonetic values developed through similar processes have same symbols of concept. The exegetic meaning that the formation letters have same phonetic values, that is, same auditory images re- fers to the same relevance between signifiant and signifié Saussure suggests. We could surmise the meaning of Liuguansoon s Bianguo from the ancient episodes : the first one is that Zhu-Geliang pesented ‘Jinjuo’ to Sima-zhongda, and the second that Han-Shizhong presented one to his timid army. The Liuguansoon s Bianguo was intended to urge the destruction of enemy s commander through irrational decision, and to be used as a message to boost courage of our army. Liuguansoon s Long Live Demonstration might be for the independance and liberty of self realization at the cost of her life, beyond the enmity against enemy. As she is not a strategist in the army, the feature of her protest may not be the same as that of Zhu-Geliang and Han-Shizhong. Her bare hand demonstration, however, does not refer to non-violence and non resistance, as- suming more or less the enmity against others. In this point, the antagonism between they and we and the symbolic meaning of caps could act as an inter- mediary bridge between Liuguansoon on the one hand, and Zhu-Geliang and Han-Shizhong on the other hand.
Ⅰ. 유관순의 유품 쓰개
Ⅱ.‘편귁編幗’에 대하여
Ⅲ.‘귁幗’의 어원적 고찰
Ⅳ. 귁幗’의 역사적 의미
Ⅴ. 결론