사랑의 독립꾼·계몽꾼
A Comparative study on Yu, Kwansoon and Chae, Youngsin
- 백석대학교 유관순연구소
- 유관순연구
- 유관순 연구 제5호
- 2005.12
- 131 - 151 (21 pages)
The original source of Yu, Kwansoon s sacrificing spirit for her country can be found in the spirit of Silhak, the science of pragmaticism prevailed in 18th century Korea. In this face, her independent struggle means the root of national and true human liberty. So her life and death related directly with 3 1 national independent revolution moved in the spirit of non-violence of non-resistance al- so mean the will of God in Christianity, and so it is the parallel problem of many other sacrificing performed in the purpose of nationalism and religion in the colonial society. Thus, it is also the necessary point of Christianity which is beyond the national and world history. Chae, Youngsin, the heroin of Sangroksu(the evergreen tree), the pioneer of enlighten movement in 1930s, has the same meaning. She seeded the true life that must be exchanged the colo- nial society to the national society, and the national society into the Jesus community. That is the representation of Yu, Kwansoon s independent will pre- sented in 1919. It was the same as the apostleship of the Christ Jesus that Yu lived with love and practiced it for the national independent and human liberation. Although she was put in prison, she struggled persistently for the liberty. It was the practice with, through and of Jesus Christ s life, death and resurrection, who said to us Do not be afraid. The dimension of political effect has the same meaning, becasue Jesus was crucified for both of the human liberty and the kingdom of God. Chae s life was also in that field of Christ. She loved Bark, Donghyuk not only in the dimension of human face but also in the di- mension of Christian accompanier.
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 독립운동과 계몽운동의 민족사적, 기독교적 필연성
Ⅲ. 기독인의 사랑과 실천
Ⅳ. 결론