최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재후보 학술저널

한국근대사의 전개와 여성의 지혜와 힘

Women s Wisdom and Power in Korean Morden Society

Changes in women s consciousness and roles made in the process of the de- velopment of the Korean modern society gave a big impact in understanding women in terms of human and social aspects. The modern period of Korea is the time from the late nineteenth century to the Japanese colonial period, through the enlightenment period or the period of Kaewha. During the period, Korean women had experienced changes in their everyday life which were different from the previous traditional life, which made women s consciousness and roles diversified. Most of all, the values in marriage and family which were closely related to women s life changed and women guaranteed economic powers through enlarged opportunities of educa- tion and social activities, and their engaging in the struggle for jobs. It is also conspicuous that women took active roles in the movement for the national independence. Women s changes and growth which were the results of the overcoming of practical contradicts and bitter trials in society became the driving force for opening up a new future. Society used to ask the pioneer women leadership as a member of society. The women leaders worked for the educational enlighten-ment movements and the patriotic movements for regaining the national independence. At the same time, they contributed to the enhancement of wom- en s rights and social status. Such women s changes in the modern period made the base for women s liberation. Women s roles became enlarged, which will be understood as the follow. One is that as women s consciousness was enlightened and knowledge became advanced, the condition for breaking off the traditional yoke and ac- tively participating in society was prepared. The other is that women possessed their own independent consciousness and formed modern values to realize the ideologies such as freedom, equality and peace. By doing this, they undertook the movements for the national independence as well as women s rights. Overall, the fact that women s activities came to the fore in the history was very meaningful in the history of Korean women. Such activities by women contributed to the national independence and the development of society and economy from a national point of view. In the dimension of individual, it gave a good impact on women s economic and psychological independence. The women of the modern period paved the way for the enhancement of women s status and the development of the Korean society.

Ⅰ. 머리말

Ⅱ. 근대사의 전개와 여성인식의 변화

Ⅲ. 여성교육의 시작과 여성의 지혜

Ⅳ. 여성운동과 여성의 힘

Ⅴ. 맺음말
