최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재후보 학술저널

십계명 제9계에 대한 형법적 고찰

A Study on the Ninth Commandment of Decalogue in the Aspect of Criminal Laws - You shall not give false testimony against your neighbor -

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It is the fact that falseness and affectation currently thrives in our community rather than honesty and truth. Alleged fraudulent treatises on the stem cell by Dr. Hwang s research team indicate falseness, distrust and even fraudulent climate of our contemporary society. The ninth Commandment in the Decalogue says You shall not give false testi- mony against your neighbor”(Exodus 20:16). The Ten Commandments, which were a norm of life or the laws given by God to Israelites, used to function as a moral code for mankind and still continue to work as a norm of life for human beings. I think that rediscovering of the ninth Commandment and study of the Divine Providence of righteous God makes a contribution for elimination of ills of the contemporary soci- ety of Korea marked by falseness. I think that the ninth Commandment not only pro- hibits false testimony in court but also all dishonest words and deeds to one s neighbors. Representative crimes which is punished by court in accordance with Korean criminal laws in connection with false acts, are false testimony, false accusation, for- gery, fraud, destruction of evidence, concealment of criminal, etc. I think, however, that it is not sufficient even though our criminal laws punish false acts with many regulations as shown above. In order to make clear real facts of falsehood and make a society where justice and truth prevails, I think most important things are that every member of our soci- ety must have a strong will to live an honest life and we should lay the foundation of social climate to preserve the firm determination to accomplish it.

I. 서설

II. 십계명의 목적과 제9계명의 해석론

III. 거짓의 유형과 거짓관련 형법규정

IV. 결론
