최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재후보 학술저널

여성지혜담 연구

A Research on Women s Wisdom Tales

This article is about the tales dealing with women s wisdom, so-called women-wis- dom tales. In women s wisdom tales, problems are solved by women s wisdom. Difficult circumstances change to good situations through women s wisdom. In the course of solving the problems, women s superiority become known. Women s wisdom tales are divided into three types in this article, that is, national type , family type and individual type. Few national and individual types are observed among women-wisdom tales. However, a lot of family types appear, requiring detailed division within the family type of women-wisdom tales. The unbalanced ratio of three types of women s wisdom tales can be used as a very precise clue to the women s life under inequality. Women s role was limited within family boundary. Three points are made in this article as the meaning of Women s Wisdom Tales . First, in Women s Wisdom Tales , positive recognition about women is layed. These tales, which women are the subject, have their own distinctive qualities because they contain a point of view on women s power. Women in these tales, they show themselves through solving problems which men could not solve. This is the chance that women put forward themselves to the frontage of the space dominated by men. Second, Motherhood embracing other s problems is detected in the pattern of change from standstill to solution. The symbol of women s fecundity, abundance, and the creative power of life is also represented in Women s Wisdom Tales. The role of women which solves problems, seeks a possibility, changes fixed ideas, presents a new vision. Women in these tales try hard to solve other s problems, not her own. What is concerned with women s Motherhood is devoting themselves to others, not women themselves. These characteristics of Motherhood change stand- still to solution . Third, a vision for the new order can be seen. In women s wisdom tales, the ability of women hidden formerly become manifest in crisis. In real life situation, there are many cases that the hidden ability of women become known in crisis. The 3·1 independent movement is a representative example of women uprising in crisis. Many women such as Yoo-Gwan-Soon went their own way to solve nation s problems. Women s potential energy was poured out as concentrated power in crisis. There are of course differences between tales and the situation of real life. The former is a fabrication, and the latter is a fact. Nevertheless, it can be contended that there are common characteristics between them. Both in tales and real life, the hidden power of women is revealed in crisis. Women s wisdom tales depict an ideal space in which men and women walk together hand in hand without any social inequality.

Ⅰ. 서론

Ⅱ. 여성지혜형담의 전개 양상

Ⅲ. 여성에 대한 인식과 전망

