최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재후보 학술저널

기독교상담의 통합적 모델을 위한 고찰

Study for the Integrative Model of Christian Counseling

Today Christian Counseling is becoming a special area in counseling paradigm. However, Christian Counseling has several viewpoints according to Christian counselors. Especially, Christian counselor has own standpoint in relationship be- tween Chirstian counseling and secular psychology. In this study, Christian counseling was researched from historical perspective, Also, this study presented basic concepts about the nature of human being, the stage of counseling process, the role of counselor, and intervention skill in Christian counseling. In this process, the researcher explained the viewpoints of J. E. Adams and L. Crabb in Christian counseling. Additionally, the researcher revieled the point of view that was labeled COMPIN and VITEX. Traditionally, COMPIN is conservertive standpoint that intends to have counseling intervention skill in the Bible, but VITEX is liberal standpoint that tries to accept secular psychology. Finally, this research considered integrative model for Christian counseling.

I. 기독교상담의 이론형성 및 역사적 배경

II. 기독교상담의 인간이해 및 이론적 가설

III. 기독교상담의 인간이해 및 이론적 가설

IV. 기독교상담의 통합적 모델을 위한 고찰

V. 결 론

