최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재후보 학술저널

예수님의 세례의 의미

A Study on a Meaning of Jesus Baptism- An Intertextual Reading in Matthew 3:13-17 -

A subject of study on Jesus baptism was frequently dealt. But this is a unique article which was written by a method of intertextual reading. Intertextual Reading was introduced by Julia Kristeva in 1969. She was inspired by Bathkin, Russian philosopher. Bathkin assert dialectic possibility among texts. It was progressed by Julia Kristeva. So, she generalized a technical term of intertextuality which means a text have variety relation into other texts. A meaning of a text has not fixed. If we want to correct meaning of a text, we ought to research inter-texts and intra-texts. We devide Intratextuality in Matthew, Inner-gospel Intertextualit and Inner-biblical Intertextuality in order to find a meaning of Jesus baptism in Matthew 3:13-17. We need to research some non-canonical intertextuality. But it will occur to difficult problem of canonics. So we exclude non-canonical intertextuality. By a method of intertextual reading, we have three points of meanings of Jesus baptism. Firstly, Jesus baptism is known to us Jesus whole ecclesical personality, corporate personality. It means that Jesus baptism is not private. It retrospects Exodus and Noah s flood in backward and introspects church s baptism in forward. Jesus baptism contains only retrospective dimension but also introspective dimension. Secondly, Jesus baptism proclaims a new creation through Jesus Christ. Coming of the Holy Spirit as dove is an image of first creation in Genesis 1, and it is an image of dove in recreation, Noah s flood. Thirdly, Jesus baptism is known to us Jesus passion and cross. The gospel of St. Matthew have designed chiastic structure. According to chiastic structure, Jesus baptism correspond to Jesus suffering. In Exodus, acrossing red sea has two sides in salvation and judge. In the same manner, Jesus baptism has both faces life and death. Similarly, Our baptism has too. So we had dead and lived in baptism with Jesus Christ.


II.마태복음 내적 연계 본문(Intratextuality)

III.복음서내적연계본문(Inner-gospel Intertextuality)

IV.성경내적연계본문(Inner-biblical Intertextuality)


