최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재후보 학술저널

유관순과 잔다르크 비교연구

A Comparative Study of Yu Gwansun and Joan of Arc

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Yu Gwansun and Joan of Arc are different in that one lived in the Orient, the other in the West, and they lived 500 years apart from each other. However, the two heroins have many things in common. They both were strong believers in God and passionate leaders. They showed unyielding sprit to all kinds of threats and torture. They even sacrificed themselves to save their countries. In other words, Yu Gwansun can be regarded as the Joan of Arc of Korea. What we need to do is, from now on, to introduce the whole world to Yu Gwansun and acknowledge why she should be regarded as Joan of Arc in the Orient.

I. 서론

II. 유관순의 생애와 기념사업

III. 잔다르크의 생애

IV. 유관순과 잔다르크의 비교

V. 결론

