청각장애유아의 조기 발견과 평가
Early Detection and Assessment in Young Children with Hearing Impairment
- 백석대학교 유관순연구소
- 유관순연구
- 유관순 연구 제9호
- 2006.02
- 243 - 268 (26 pages)
Hearing screening has received considerable attention because early identification permits treatment to begin during the first years of life when babies learn language most readily. In this study the newborn screening tests and audiological tests were examined and discussed for use with young children in order to ensure that maximal use of residual hearing can be achieved in daily life. Parents should be present for and participate in the administration of all assessment procedures to include them in this aspect of the child s care. And also teachers and therapists should know the audiological tests and the audiological test procedures.
I. 서론
II. 조기 발견을 위한 신생아 선별검사
III. 진단 청력검사
IV. 결론