최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재후보 학술저널

신여성의 원근법

The rules of perspective of modern women: A Comparative Study on Yu, Kwansoon and three women in Moojung

The two World-Wars in the 20th century caused the participation of woman into the society in the boundary of ideologies, imperialism, colonialism and capitalism, and it changed the paradigm of the relation of the oppressor and the oppressed on the level of nation and the individual. This relation was the key can be discerned the nature of women s liberation movement, and there was no exception in Korea which was under the state of colonial society. In this situation Korean people wanted the new ideology for realizing the national identity, so that the Christian ideals played a important part for that purpose, which was inevitable result in the field of national history and women s liberation movement history. A Christian modern woman, Yu, Kwansoon was the leader of that movement, especially in the national liberation in the Spirit of Jesus Christ, which is counter to the act of Kim, Sunhyung and Bark, Youngchae, ones of the characters in Moojung, the Novel written by Lee, Kwangsoo in 1917, which is the beginning point in Korean modern literary history. Although another modern woman character, Kim, Byounguk has done revolutionary work in the point of the oppressed, she could not practice about the Christian Spirit. This spiritual movement of Yu beyond the social resistance was the dynamic root of the liberation not only on the level of nation but also on the people, and so is it nowadays all over the world.

1. 서론

2. 신여성의 보수적 잔영

3. 신여성의 혁명성

4. 유관순과 혁명성의 영적인 의미

5. 결론

