한국어, 계층구조의 범주연구
A Study on The Categoization of Hierarchical Structure about the Korean Language
- 백석대학교 유관순연구소
- 유관순연구
- 유관순 연구 제13호
- 2008.12
- 231 - 270 (40 pages)
The purpose of this paper is to examine the way in which the Korean final ending ‘(i)da’ are checked off within the framework of PRE(precative) and to check formal process feature of the Korean predicative Adjective. Therefore This paper examines proposes movement of a Korean Copula ‘(i)da’ to a predicative case ‘(i)da)’ at conjucative categorization for the feature of a Korean Copula ‘(i)da’ to be checked off.. Under predicative category of the English language, the features of Adjective is became the functional element of predicative ending through inflective Copula ‘be’; It is a Aux(auxiliary) aspect of English syntax. This paper, in order to unify Korean syntatic system, adopts two suggestions; One is that all Korean conjugative Adjective set up independently relations with Inflective category ‘VP’, and the other is that all Korean language noun relations with Inflective category ‘VP’ is united(combined, integrated) in the Korean conjugative copula ‘(i)da’ Subcategorization of ‘VP’ in the merged ‘AP’ predicative operation may happen to be not set at liberty. If we take these twwo proposals, formal subcategozation of conjugative ‘VP’ can occur automatically to be set at liberty in the merged ‘VP’ predicative operation of which conjugative ‘A’ is introduced in the catrgory of Korean copula ‘(i)da’. This means that the process of conjugative categorization ‘A’ is not coexisted with conjugative categorization ‘V’ but also unified Korean language copula ‘(i)da’ Therefore we must take in consideration the fact that formulate a new conjunctive categorization ‘Copula’ in Korean language such as English inflective categorization ‘Copula’
Ⅰ. 머리말
Ⅱ. ‘(이)다’의 ‘-다’ 굴절접사
Ⅲ. 한국어 문법범주의 계층구조
Ⅳ. ‘(이)다’, 기존학설 접근
Ⅴ. 서술어 ‘(이)다’의 형성소 의미
Ⅵ. 한국어 문법범주와 구절구조규칙
Ⅶ. X’-이론의 한국어 적용범주
Ⅷ. 맺는말