직장(職場)에서 리더(leader)에게 요구되는 리더십(leadership)에 대한 연구
A Study Regarding Leadership which is Demanded to Leaders in One s Job
- 백석대학교 유관순연구소
- 유관순연구
- 유관순 연구 제14호
- 2009.12
- 161 - 181 (21 pages)
Today the subject of leadership becomes an important issue in the system of family, factory, church or job because where over two people meet leadership among them is demanded. Often leadership has been understand as power by those who have it over those who don t have power, especially in Western culture. Secular leadership in the political and economic world tends to emphasized in order to enhance the situation of the powerful at the expense of the powerless. The purpose of this thesis is to deal with the issue, that is to say, leadership which is demanded to leaders in one’s job. The main method of this study is to investigate book material. The contents of this study are as follows: In the first part, the concept of leader and leadership is uttered. In the second part, the patterns of leadership and the principles of leadership are explained. In the last part, the main virtues that are needed to leaders in the job are introduced as significant items of a leader in any group or system. The writers wants to emphasize Jesus’ leadership as a servant leadership through this study because servant leadership can be a very effective pattern of leadership to the members. In an era of rapid change like today, the effective leadership of leaders is mainly demanded. Even in the future, it will not be easy for people to find servant leadership from political and economic leaders because the system of secular leadership has the characteristic of hierarchical structure. Christian religious leaders can have good influence on the leaders who work in the field of politics, economics, or education like Jesus.
Ⅰ. 여는 글
Ⅱ. 펴는 글
Ⅲ. 닫는 글