장애영유아를 위한 조기발견 연계 시스템 연구
A Study of Child Find System for Young Children with Special Needs
- 백석대학교 유관순연구소
- 유관순연구
- 유관순 연구 제18호
- 2013.12
- 203 - 214 (12 pages)
The establishment of a community-centered collaborative, synthetic early detection system is required to ensure the successful early detection of infants, toddlers and preschoolers with special needs or are at risk of disabilities. There are several ways to detect these children with special needs as early as possible:First, a wide variety of awareness programs should be developed to inform people in general of the importance of early detection. Second, general kindergartens and daycare centers should conduct a screening test on a regular basis. Third, community councils should be set up. As various organizations are involved in early childhood education for the disabled, every party concerned should make up a community council, and which of them would be responsible primarily and secondarily should be determined to share their duties for planning and periodical evaluation. Fourth, a web system should be developed to manage infants, toddlers and preschoolers with special needs. Relevant institutions can input into it data on young children with special needs and at-risk children to manage all the information in an integrated way.
I. 연구의 필요성 및 목적
II. 조기발견을 위한 법적근거
III. 조기 발견 현황
IV. 조기발견 시스템
V. 결론