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KCI등재 학술저널

경제·사회·문화 분야의 연구 동향과 과제

Research trends and issues in the fields of economy, society, and culture

DOI : 10.29004/jkmch.2022.3.100.73
  • 150

필자는 1910년 경술국치 이전까지 경제·사회·문화 등의 주제로 발표한 80편의 논문을 분석하였다. 경제 분야는 연구가 활발하지 못했다. 경제 분야는 한말의 자본가, 상인, 개항장, 상인자본 등의 연구에 집중되었다. 국가 위기를 불러온 국가 예산·재정·차관·조세 등이나 근대화 과정에서 겪게 되는 화폐 경제 문제, 산업 구조의 변화, 불균등한 무역 문제 등과 관련 연구는 미흡했고, 외국상업자본의 침탈 성격을 규명하지 못한 점은 과제로 남겼다. 사회 분야는 동학 연구가 가장 활발하게 꾸준히 이뤄졌지만, 동학농민군 지휘 세력, 대접주 등의 인물 연구가 부족했다. 또한 근대 과도기에 나타나는 신분계층의 분화, 계층 갈등, 사회운동 등의 연구가 적다. 향인이 근대국가의 국민으로 전환되는 과정이나 근대화 과정에서 나타나는 여러 문제점을 분석한 연구가필요하다. 이와 함께 사회제도나 여성의 사회활동·인물 연구가 확대되어야 한

The author analyzed 80 papers published on topics such as economy, society, and culture before the reign of the Korean-Japanese Consolidation in 1910. Research was not active in the economic field. The economic field focused on research on capitalists, merchants, port openings, and merchant capital in the Late Chosun Dynasty. Research on the monetary economy, changes in the industrial structure, and unequal trade issues experienced in the process of modernization, such as the national budget, finances, vice ministers, and taxes that caused the national crisis, was insufficient. The failure to investigate the infiltration nature of foreign commercial capital remained a research topic. In the social field, Donghak research was most actively and steadily conducted, but there was a lack of personal research such as the commanding power of the Donghak Peasant Army and the great Jeobju(大接主). In addition, there are few studies on the differentiation of class classes, class conflicts, and social movements appearing in the modern transition period. It is necessary to analyze the various problems that occur in the process of converting Hyangin(鄕人) into a citizen of a modern country or in the process of modernization. At the same time, research on social systems and women’s social activities and characters should be expanded. The migration of Koreans abroad should be directed in the direction of illuminating the lives of Koreans rather than staying on the study of the formation of Korean villages. Territorial issues such as Dokdo need to develop a new research methodology or logic, and should be extended to Gando and Mt. Baekdu, which are controversial between Korea and China. Research in the field of culture has a wide range, but has focused on education, religion, history, and ideology. Although education intensified research on international students, modern education, and textbooks, it revealed limitations that could not be approached from various perspectives. A study on how those who have received modern education accept modernity and its results should be studied. History and historical awareness are concentrated on Hwang-hyeon, and research by Jeong-joo Joo, Taek-young Kim, and Hyo-jeong Yoon is also needed. As the study of ideology is focused on enlightened intellectuals, attention should also be paid to Wijeongcheoksa ideology(衛正斥邪思想), Protestant Korean pastors, and Catholic Korean priests. In the future, I hope that research in the field of culture will pay more attention to the arts, science, academia, technology, transportation, and communication of the modern period, which had been lacking in the past.

1. 머리말

2. 경제 분야 연구 동향

3. 사회 분야 연구 동향

4. 문화 분야 연구 동향

5. 맺음말: 과제와 전망
