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KCI등재후보 학술저널

로렌스의 『사랑하는 여인들』의 사랑의 양상

The Aspects of Love in Lawrence’s Women in Love

Lawrence was born in 1885 in the Nottinghamshire mining village of England, the youngest of three sons in a family of five. His father worked as butty or ganger in the pit, his mother had middle-class origins. Lawrence demonstrates so many ideas about the love between man and woman in his novels. I cannot possible discuss them all in this paper. But taking a few ideas: love is a part of the uncontrollable side of man’s life - the emotions, love starts with the body, no satisfactory relationship between man and woman can be achieved without this basis, love transforms life into something new, love gives security, love gives meaning to life, love is not only something to live for, but something to be feared. Summing up all the ideas, love is as essential part of man’s nature - man’s destiny to love. Lawrence embodied these basic ideas in Women in Love. Extracting some passages to express his ideas well, I analyzed the plot and pattern, Hermione’s persona, the first meeting of Ursula and Birkin, the feeling exchange of Gudrun and Gerald, the process of love affairs, Gerald’s attack and Gudrun’s passivity. Conclusively speaking, I recognize that Birkin often been seen as Lawrence’s own spokesman in the novel, and that he has an important role apart from his relationship with Ursula and he provides a complex, sustained commentary on the state of modern civilization generally. I’ve found also that the Gerald and Gudrun’s relationship is closed and determined, given over to sensation and self-extinction, and that Birkin and Ursula’s is open and negotiable, given over to argument and self-exploration. If the tendency of the first is towards destruction and death, and a neat tragic pattern of fatal love, the tendency of the second is to reach out for life in all its bewildering inconsistency.

Ⅰ. 서론

Ⅱ. 개요와 패턴

Ⅲ. 허마이오니의 페르소나

Ⅳ. 어슐라와 버킨의 첫 만남

Ⅴ. 거드런과 제랄드의 감정의 교환

Ⅵ. 연애 사건의 발전

Ⅶ. 제랄드의 공격성과 거드런의 수동성

Ⅷ. 마치는 글
