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KCI등재 학술저널

『日本書記』神功 49 年條에 대한 검토

The Examination on the Article on the year of Shingong 49 in 『 Ilbonseogi 』

『일본서기』는 『삼국유사』에 비해 그 편찬 시기가 빠를 뿐만 아니라, 문헌상 그 모습을 복원하기 어려운 한반도 諸國과 倭 관계 기사가 많다. 특히 『일본서기』 神功 49년조는 한반도 諸國과 倭 관계의 결정판이라 할 수 있는 내용이 실려있어 많은 연구가 축정되어 왔다. 그 결과 근래에는 이 사료가 전하는 대로 신공황후가 한반도 제국을 정토했다는 내용을 사실로 인정하는 논자는 거의 없다. 그러나 『일본서기』에 대한 기년 조정을 통해 이 기사를 4세기 후반 近肖古王 父子의 대외활동으로 볼 것인지에 대해서는 다양한 의견이 제기되고 있다. 따라서 본고는 49년조에 서술된 정토의 실질적인 주체를 찾는 데 역점을 두고 논의를 전개했다. 우선 세 단락 중 세 번째에 해당되는 磐石을 매개로 한 맹약의식이 백제의 유습임을 지적해 이 맹약의 실질적인 주체가 倭가 아니라 百濟임을 명확히 했다. 그리고 백제가 주체가 되어 행한 벽지산(벽중)과 古沙山(고사)의 磐石之盟 이 근초고왕의 南征에 수반해서 발생한 5읍의 자연항복과 일련의 사건임을 밝혀 5읍을 자연 항복시킨 주체가 백제임을 지적했다. 또한 南蠻 백제를 중심에 둔 개념인 만큼 침미다례를 정토한 주체 역시 倭가 아닌 백제로 간주할 수 있음을 명시했다. 한편, 근초고왕대에 이루어진 백제의 加耶 지역 진출이 백제와 加耶諸國 그리고 백제와 신라 관계를 어떻게 변화시켰는지 살펴보고자 했다. 우선 神功紀와 欽明紀에 나타난 가야제국의 백제 관계 기사를 비교·검토함으로서 근초고왕대에 백제가 가야제국에게 무력을 행사했고, 그 결과 양 지역이 형제의 맹약을 체결하게 되었음을 알 수 있었다. 이러한 백제의 가야제국 정토와 그 결과 맺어진 兄弟의 盟約은 인접국인 신라에게 위기의식

Compared to 『Samkuksagi』 and 『Samkukyusa』, 『Ⅱbonseogi』 was offically publicated earlier, and besides it has a lot of articles on the relations between many nations in Korean Peninsula and Wae. In particular, the article on the year of Shingong 49 in 『Ⅱbonseogi』 convesys the idea; it crucially shows the relations between many countries is Korean Peninsula and Wae. Its significance has brought many studies of it. Recently few has acknowledged the truth of this historical article which wrote that Empress Shingong defeated many countries in Korean eninsula. Many diverse opinions, however, have been raised on the fact that this article could be considered the actions against foreign countries at the King Keunchogo and Keungusu era in the late fourth century. Accordingly an accurate examination of this historical article deserves to be recondisered the idea mentioned above as a material for the knowledge on the relations between to be reconsidered the idea mentioned above as material for the knowledge on the relations between Korean peninsula and Wae. Up to now, this treatise has put focus on searching for a substantial move on discrete events through an analysis of the defeating in the article in the year of Shingong 49. The article on the year of Shingong 49 is largely divided into three paragraphs. To begin with, Chapter One pointed out that a swearing ceremony in byukjisan and gosasan was a remaining covention of Baekche through the medium of Great Rock applying to the last one of three paragraphs. Then, the second chapter tries to bring to light the meaning of Great Rock applying to the last one of three paragraphs: Then, the second chapter tries to bring to light the meaning of a article containing the submission without any fights in five provinces and the slaughter of Chimidarae, which belongs to the second paragraph, by proving that the submission without any fights in many regions including Byukjung and Alliance in Great Rock were a series of events. Section Two made it clear that the main body defeating Chimidarae could be also considered not Wae but Baekche in concept of Souther Savage in view of Baekche kept in the center. Fianlly, Chapter Three took a look at how Baekche s advance in many countries in Kaya had changed the relations between Baekche and Shilla. in Section Two, Baekche s defeating of many countries in Kaya and a brotherly alliance resulted from Baekche s force instigated Shilla, the neighboring nation to critical awareness, causing the peaceful between two countries to have no choice but to change from this moment on. Therefore, the criticizing of historical source in paragraph B brings us to the that many countries in Kaya, Chimidarae, and five provinces were defeated mainly by Baekche, indicating that this document came from historical source relating to countires like Baekche. However, in the issue of the defeating of Shilla, even though based on a historical source in 『Samkuksagi』 saying that at the very year of 369, both Baekche and Shilla were not good terms with each other, does not make sense. So this allows us to realize the fact that Baekche defeated Shilla was not true. Accordingly, it follows that the defeating of Shilla in paragraph A does not come from histrical source in nations like Baekche, but is described based on the standpoint that at the moment of officially publicating 『Ⅱbonseogi』 Japan regarded Shilla in paragraph sum up, the article on the year of Shingong 49 is about all the discrete events by Baekche as a main power in paragraph B are reconstituted a series of occurrences following the defeating of Shilla in paragrph A by editors and publishers of 『Ⅱbonseogi』who linked paragraph B to paragraph A, both of which had nothing to do with in contents through the conjunction meaning therefore . From this, it follows that this article was described the way Wae defeated many countries in Korean Peninsula on a mian axis,

Ⅰ. 머리말

Ⅱ. 磐石之盟 의 주체

Ⅲ. 五邑이 自然降服한 대상과 침미다례를 屠戮한 주체

Ⅳ. 加耶諸國 平定의 주체

Ⅴ. 맺음말
