최근 고고학 발굴성과가 많이 증가하였지딘 한성시기 백재 도성제는 여전히 풀리지 않는 난제를 많이 안고 있다. 특히 현전하는 사료가 영성할 뿐 아니라 초기 기록에는 후대 기사가 착종되어 있고 상충되는 측면도 많아 해결의 실마리를 즘처럼 잡기 힘들다. 이에 본고에서는 고고학 발굴성과를 참조하면서 상대적으로 신빙성이 높은 후기 기록을 검토한 다음 그 이전 자료를 분석하는 방식을 취하였다. 아울러 고구려나 신라 도성제가 방어체계와 밀접히 관련된 사실에 착안하여 방어체계와의 연관성에도 유의하였다. 이러한 검토를 통해 한성시기 백제 도성제가 책계왕대, 근초고왕대, 개로왕대 등을 획기로 발전한 사실을 파악할 수 있었다. 3세기 후반 책계왕대에는 慰禮城風納土城을 축조하고 漢江 水路를 공제하기 위한 외곽 방어성[蛇城과 附旦城]을 구축하였다. 위례성이 王城의 위상을 확립한 시기로서 도성을 본격적으로 정비하던 초기 단계라고 할 수 있다. 이러한 도성제는 고구려와 전면전을 전개하는 4세기 후반 근초고왕대에 새롭게 변모한다, 고구려 침공에 대비하여 漢山[夢村土城]으로 移都함으로써 평상시 거성과 군사방어성의 도성 방어체계를 구축한 것이다. 개로왕대에는 외곽으로 확장된 민가를 보호하기 위해 羅城의 기능을 지닌 堤防을 종전의 외곽방어성 구간을 연결하여 한강 남안에 기다랗게 축조하였다. 중심 성곽과 일반 민가가 위치한 外城이 분화되고, 초보적인 羅城을 갖추기 시작하였던 것이다.
Although there were many archaeological excavations related to the Hanseong capital area of the Baekj ae dynasty made over the years, a lot of things regarding the area still remain unknown. There are very little written texts to consult, and records addressing supposed facts of earlier periods even contain misplaced information which is actually mentioning the later days situation and therefore contradicting the facts which are generally perceived to have happened in the early times. So, along with the archaeological findings, the relatively reliable records of the later days were also consulted in analyzing the early days records. This study also examined the changes made regarding the defense system of the capital area, and managed to reveal that the capital system of the Hanseong capital area saw a major improvement, around the time of the kings reigns such as those of Kings Chaeggyae-wang(責稽王), Geunchogo-wang(近肖古王) and Gaero-Wang(蓋鹵王). During the reign of King Chaeggyae - wang, the latter half of the 3rd century, the Wiryae-seong (慰禮城) structure(the Pungnab - toseong/風納土城- structure) was built, and defense fortresses such as the Sa-seong(蛇城) and Adan-seong(阿旦城) fortYesses were also constructed in the perimeter area to maintain the dynasty s control over the Han-gang river area. These constructions were the first step of the Baekjae dynasty s efforts to upgrade the capital system and establish the Wiryae - seong structure as the capital city of the dynasty. This capital system, though, went through some changes when an all-out conflict with the Goguryo dynasty broke out in the latter half of the 4th century, during the reign of King Geunchog o - wang. The capital facilities were transferred to the Hansan(漢山) area(the Mongchon - toseong/夢村土城 structure), creating a situation in which a capital city with general citizens living in it was guarded by a military defense fortress. During the reign of King Gaero - wang a long embankment was constructed along the South side of the Han-gang river, to provide protection to the line of civilian residences extended from the central area to the outskirt of the capital. This change resulted in the separation between the central capital structure and the outer - fortress which housed civilian households, and also a birth of an early-stage Ra-seong(羅城) structure(surrounding guarding fortress). Later the Hanseong area, which saw the development of a capital infra - structure including a palace structure, outer fortresses and also a guarding line of Ra-seong structures, relinquished its title as the Baekje s capital city, and the Sabi(사비) area was newly named the capital of the dynasty.
Ⅰ. 머리말
Ⅱ. 蓋鹵왕대의 도성제와 방어체제
Ⅲ. 近肖古王代의 도성제와 방어체제
Ⅳ. 責稽王代의 도성제와 방어체제
Ⅴ. 맺음말