최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

청소년의 인터넷 게임 사용에 대한 코로나19 영향과 보호 및 촉발요인 인식 연구

A Study on the Influence of COVID-19 on Adolescents’ Use of Internet Games, Protection Factors and Trigger Factors of Internet Addiction

DOI : 10.37122/kaap.2022.26.1.34
  • 454

Purpose: The purpose of this study was to show how the ongoing COVID-19 affects Internet gaming use in adolescents and recognizes triggering and protective factors associated with Internet gaming addiction. Methods: Focus group interviews were conducted with 16 adolescents age 14-21 living in Seoul, and a qualitative analysis based on Thematic analysis was used. Results: As a result of the analysis, four themes consisting of 10 categories and 32 subcategories were derived. In short, a change in the environment caused by a pandemic promotes the use of Internet gaming, and in some situations, friends and parents are not only protective factors but also trigger factors. The protective factor has much to do with harmful experiences of gaming, certain short-term goals, future plans and worries, and effects associated with a brief return to daily life during a pandemic. The main triggers are related to fun and fulfillment through games, managing negative emotions, and marketing by game companies and users engaging in games on YouTube. Conclusion : We propose implications and intervention strategies at the school, community and game provider levels to prevent the risk of Internet gaming addiction among adolescents due to COVID-19 and to enhance the protection of parents and friends.

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