최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

생애초기스트레스와 불안정한 부모와의 유대관계가 의사결정유형과 음주동기에 미치는 영향

Effects of Early Life Stress and Insecure Parental Bonding on Decision-Making Style and Motivation for Alcohol Use

DOI : 10.37122/kaap.2022.26.1.28
  • 110

Objective: The purpose of this study was to identify the effects of negative experience during childhood on drinking in adulthood. Methods: A total of 89 male subjects participated in the study and a survey was conducted July 1-July 31, 2019. Hierarchical regression analysis was conducted to confirm the relationships of early life stress (ELS) and insecure parental bonding (IPB) on decision-making style (DMS) and motivation for alcohol use (MA). Results: ELS and IPB had positive correlation with enhance and the coping subscore of MA. ELS and IPB had negative correlation with the rationality subscore of DMS and positive correlation with the intuition subscore of DMS. The regression analysis revealed ELS and IPB direct influence on enhance and coping among MA and rationality and intuition among DMS. These factors of DMS mediated the effects of ELS and IPB on enhance and coping of MA. Conclusion : This study found that early life stress and insecure parental bonding are related to irrationality and intuition among decision-making style and enhance and coping among motivation for alcohol use.

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