최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI우수등재 학술저널

광주지역 지하수 중 우라늄과 라돈의 함량 분포 특성

Distribution Characteristics of Uranium and Radon Concentrations of Groundwater in Gwangju Area

DOI : 10.5668/JEHS.2022.48.2.86
  • 26

Background: As high concentrations of uranium and radon have been detected in some areas in Korea, it is considered necessary to investigate natural radioactive materials in the Gwangju area. Objectives: This study aimed to identify the hydrochemical characteristics of groundwater in Gwangju and investigate the distribution characteristics of uranium and radon, which are naturally radioactive substances. Methods: To determine the uranium and radon concentrations in groundwater according to the geology of the Gwangju area, we measured 62 groundwater wells. A geological distribution map of uranium and radon content was prepared for this study. Results: The groundwater type, defined using a Piper diagram, was mainly Ca-HCO3. The concentration of uranium in the groundwater ranged from 0 to 29.3 µg/L, with a mean of 3.3 µg/L and a median of 0.9 µg/L. The median concentration of uranium in groundwater was highest in alluvium, granitic gneiss, and biotite granite (classified by geological unit), in that order. The concentration of radon in the groundwater ranged from 4.8 to 313.2 Bq/L, with a mean of 75.6 Bq/L and a median of 59.6 Bq/L. The median concentration of radon in groundwater was highest in biotite granite, alluvium, and granitic gneiss, in that order. As a result of the correlation analysis of groundwater in the study area, there was no significant correlation between uranium and radon. Conclusions: In this study area, uranium was shown to be far below the concentrations allowed by drinking water quality standards, but radon concentrations exceeded drinking water quality monitoring standards in 11% of the samples. It was judged that appropriate measures, such as the installation of radon reduction facilities, will be required after a thorough review of high-concentration radon detection sites of in the research area.

Ⅰ. 서 론

Ⅱ. 연구 방법

Ⅲ. 결과 및 고찰

Ⅳ. 결 론

감사의 글

Conflict of Interest

