최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

백제(百濟)의 왕(王),후호(侯號), 장군호제(將軍號制)와 그 운영(運營)

The Conferment of Peerage and Knighthood and Its Operating System in Baekje Dynasty

  • 69

王·侯號制와 將軍號制는 백제 官制의 특징의 하나이다. 왕·후호는 爵號이며, 장군호는 武官에 주어진 稱號인데 官等制와 더불어 백제 관료들의 상하 서열을 규정지어 주는 기능을 하였다. 이 왕·후호제는 4세기 중엽인 近肖古王代에 시행되었고, 장군호제는 5세기 전반인 ?支王代에 시행되었다. 왕·후호는 백제왕이 국가에 큰 공로를 세운 귀족관료에게 수여한 것이다. 왕·후호를 받은 자들은 공로에 대한 대가로 국가로부터 食邑을 받았다. 장군호는 武功을 세운 자에게 수여하였다. 그 등급은 第3品에서 第9品까지 확인되고 있으며, 상위의 장군으로 승진할 수 있었다. 왕·후호를 받은 자들에게 주어진 威身品이 金銅冠이다. 금동관 가운데 새 날개 모양 장식을 한 것은 왕호를 받은 자들이, 나뭇가지 모양 장식을 한 것은 후호를 받은 자들이 착용하였다. 장군호를 상징해 주는 威身品이 裝飾大刀이다. 장식대도는 龍, 鳳 등 文樣의 종류와 금, 금동, 은 등 재질에 따라 5등급으로 나누어진다. 이 장식대도는 2품에서 5품에 이르는 장군호를 받은 자들이 佩用하였다.

The conferment of peerage and knighthood was one of the features of the bureaucracy in Baekje Dynasty. The peerage was the title of nobility and the knighthood was the title of officer. The titles performed the role of ranking government officials with the system of civil service grade. The system of peerage had been enforced under the reign of King Geunchogo(近肖古王) in the mid-fourth century, and the system of knighthood had been put into effect during the reign of King Jeonji(?支王) in the early fifth century. The peerage was the title that an emperor conferred on an aristocrat and official for a national achievement. The nobility took the title received also a manor from an emperor, in return for distinguished services. The title of knight was bestowed upon a general for meritorious service in war. It was graded from third class to fifth class and could be promoted to a high ranking knight. The symbol to preserving the nobles` dignity was the headgear made of gilt-bronzes. The bird-shaped headgear was awarded to the nobles who had the title of king, and the marquis received the tree branch-shaped headgear. The symbol to maintaining the prestige of knighthood was a decorated snickersnee. The snickersnees were subdivided into 5 ranks according to the kind of patterns, such as dragon, phoenix, and the materials, such as gold, gilt-bronze, silver. It were worn by the general who got the title of knight rating from second class to fifth class.
