본고에서는 호서지역에서 백제 영역화에 따른 취락의 변화양상을 살펴보기 위해 취락 내 여러 구성요소에 대해 검토하였다. 그 결과 각 권역의 원삼국~백제시대 한성기 취락에서 백제 영역화에 의해 발생하는 의미 있는 변화양상을 확인할 수 있었다. 호서지역을 4개 권역으로 구분하여 권역별 취락과 분묘유적을 중심으로 살펴보았다. 취락의 구성요소는 입지와 규모, 생산과 저장, 분묘, 방어시설, 중국제 도자기와 기와를 중심으로 검토하였다. 이후 취락의 구성요소를 기준으로 A~E유형을 설정하였으며, 이를 통해 권역별 원삼국~백제시대 한성기에 해당하는 중심취락, 거점취락, 하위취락을 살펴보았다. 차령산맥 이북권에서는 전·후 시기의 취락유형에서 별다른 차이점은 없으나 백제시대에 이르러 취락이 규모가 축소되는 양상이 확인된다. 금강 중류권에서는 원삼국시대 B유형 취락이 백제 영역화를 계기로 소멸되는데, 연기지역에서는 백제시대 중심취락이 A유형으로 이어지며, 대전지역에서는 D유형으로 확인된다. 금강 하류권의 논산지역에서는 A유형·B유형 취락이 백제 영역화 이후에도 소멸되지 않아, 타권역에 비해 백제 영역화 과정에서 관찰되는 취락의 재편현상이 두드러지지 않는다. 서해안권의 서천지역에서는 백제 영역화를 계기로 C유형은 소멸하고, D유형이 중심취락으로 성장한다. 홍성지역에서는 원삼국시대의 중심취락인 B유형이 소멸되면서 백제 영역으로 편입되기 시작하는 4세기 대에는 D유형 취락이 거점취락으로 출현한다. 이후 5세기 대에는 E유형이 백제의 하위취락으로 등장한다. 당진지역에서는 A유형으로 확대되면서 백제시대 지역의 거점취락으로 성장한다.
Settlements are also called a village, which is an outcome in a particular political and social context. Based on such perspective, this study is aimed at verifying the changes in the settlements from Wonsamguk till Hanseonggi of Baekje, following the Baekje territorialization in Hoseo region, based on the preceding research data. In order to accomplish the objective, the region was divided into the following areas: ``north of Charyeong Mountains`` , ``midstream of Geum river`` , ``downstream of Geum river`` , and ``the west coast`` in accordance with the channel networks of Charyeong Mountains and Geum river, and the primary remains of each area were reviewed. An analysis for setting the hierarchy of settlements was done with subdivision as follows: location, residence, production, storage, burial mounds, defense facilities, and artifacts content (excavated remains of Chinese pottery and roof tile). Based on the subdivision, the types of settlements were categorized as Type A~E. It confirmed that the primary settlements during the Wonsamguk period region were space Type A and B. During the Baekje Hanseong period, either Type A was maintained depending on the area, or the content and scale were downsized as Type D and E. Therefore, the Baekje territorialization process in the Hoseo region can be explained as follows, based on the previous results. The primary settlements during the 3rd century are Type A and B, and complex space content of the settlements was confirmed. During the middle and latter period of the 3rd century, the primary settlements of Mahan were destroyed, as the central force of Mahan, represented as Cheongdangdong tomb site of the Wonsamguk period, was destroyed, according to research. During the early period of the 4th century, efforts to secure a base for Baekje``s local governance began in the west coast. Therefore, pomp products such as Chinese pottery were found, due to strategic needs toward the Hongsung region on the west coast. During the middle and latter period of the 4th century, Yongwonri and Hwaseongri of Cheonan region were secured as the base for full-fledged local governance in the inland region and Chinese celadon was found. Considering the frequent appearance of premier pomp products, the settlements around the Yongwonri region were a community where public activities such as public imposts and tributary payments were constantly conducted, suggesting that the area served as a local base being more closely related to the central Baekje than any other communities. During the 5th century, the settlements of Baekje on the west coast garnered lots of attention again. Thus, C Type settlements were established around the remains in Bujangri, Seosan, which are Type D. The appearance of large-scale tombs, giltbronze shoes, and Chinese pottery suggests the expansion of Baekje to the south of Geum River region. In addition, although large-scale settlements from Baekje Hanseong period were not found, the existence of tombs indicates that Suchonri in Gongju, Sudangri in Geumsan, and Ipjeomri in Iksan were incorporated into Baekje after the 5th century.
Ⅰ. 머리말
Ⅱ. 권역별 취락의 양상
Ⅲ. 취락의 구성요소
Ⅳ. 백제 영역화와 취락의 변화
Ⅴ. 맺음말