7세기 중반의 고대 한국과 중국 등 주변국의 대립이 심화되어 가는 상황에서 자국의 국제적인 지위를 보존하면서 국내에서 군신 간의 질서를 구축해 나가야 하는 상황이었다. 이러한 때 정변을 통해 정권을 잡은 난파조정(難波朝廷)에서는 비조시대(飛鳥時代)와 달리 황거(皇居)에 정무기관을 집중시킴으로써 추고조(推古朝) 이래의 정치 과제였던 유위자를 대상으로 한 매일 조참(朝參)을 시행하기에 이르렀다. 또한 원일조하(元日朝賀)와 사례(射禮) 등 중국적인 의례를 적극적으로 수용하며 천황 중심의 관인화를 촉진하고 국가의 위의(威儀)를 정비하였다. 그리고 매일 조참과 연 초의 의례의 장(場)에서는 입례(立禮)와 再拜 등을 예법으로 확립하였다. 따라서 난파조정은 율령법적(律令法的) 차원이 아니라, 관위제와 예제 그리고 의례의 수용과 정비를 통해 군신관계를 확립하고 이를 기반으로 대내외적인 입지 강화를 도모한 것이다. 그리고 이러한 정책 수행의 場으로 거대한 조정과 전사를 구비한 장병풍기궁(長柄豊기宮)을 조영한 것이다.
The Naniwa-Court(難波朝廷) in the mid 7th century needed externally to preserve the international status of the country in the situation that confrontation with neighbors such as the Korean Peninsula and China was worsening, and internally to promote the reinforcement of the emperor’s power through establishing order between the sovereign and the subjects. With the enthronement of Kotoku-Tenno(孝德天皇) after the Isshi-Incident(壬申의 亂) in 645 and the transfer of the capital to Naniwa(難波), governmental organizations were concentrated on the imperial palace. As the basic conditions for daily performance of chousan(朝參), the proprieties of Ogohori-no-Palace(小郡宮) was established. At the Naniwa-Court, moreover, Riturei(立禮) and Saibai(再拜) were settled as the nori of chousei, and the riturei in the Naniwa-Court was revived in the age of Emperor Tenmu(天武天皇). Besides, they tried to consolidate and maintain the sovereign-subject order by accepting Chinese rituals such as Gannjitu-Chouga(元日朝賀) in which all the government officials had an audience with the emperor on the New Year, and jyarai(射禮) that was an archery contest in the middle of January. Accordingly, the Naniwa-Court consolidated the sovereign-subject relationship not through laws and regulations but through the acceptance and refinement of Kanisei(冠位制) and propriety systems and, based on it, promoted the reinforcement of the international status. Therefore, the Naniwa-Court was in need of a palace equipped with a large court for the chousan of ranked officials the number of which increased as a result of the revision of Kanisei and for the assembly of prominent clans from localities. Ogohori-no-Palace, which was built on existing Naniwa Ogohori, was a palace constructed as needed after the new government waslaunched,butNagara-Toyosaki-no-Pala(難波長柄豊기宮),Early-Naniwa-Palace(前期難波宮)constructed during the era of Hakuchi(白雉) based on experiences obtained from policies executed during the era of Taika was born as a palace with a huge choutei(朝庭).
I. 머리말
II. 難破朝廷의 宮殿
III. 難破朝廷의 朝參과 朝儀
IV. 맺음말