최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

이부세 마스지(井伏鱒二) 「역전여관(駅前旅館)」론

A Study on Masuji Ibuse’s “Ekimae Ryokan”: A Critical Perspective on the Ideological Intermittency in Postwar Japan

DOI : 10.21792/trijpn.2022..96.016
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This paper attempts to examine the effectiveness of the nostalgic narrative style in Masuji Ibuse’s postwar work. After the San Francisco Peace Treaty came into force, an anachronistic tendency occurred of using the period from the opening of the country in the Meiji era to the pre-war period in the Showa era as a benchmark to discuss about the merits and demerits of Japan’s modernization. “Ekimae Ryokan” (1956-1957), which humorously depicts the humanistic comedy surrounding “I”, the keeper of a ryokan (a Japanese style inn) in front of the station in Ueno, can be considered as a good material for discussing Ibuse’s authorial attitude toward the perverse discourse of the same period. The narrative repeatedly moves back and forth between the pre- and post-war periods, creating a montage of worldly customs around the Ueno Station. Through this narrative style, the cultural historical significance of the topos of Ueno Station, which has been in step with the industrialization of the city after the Meiji Restoration and the value the life of “I”, who lives within the archaic system of an inn keeper, emerges. Based on the above, I would like to clarify the narrative strategy of picking up forgotten modernist ideas in Japan, and provide a means to grasp the overall picture of Ibuse’s postwar work.


1. 들어가며

2. 전후 일본 문단의 ‘근대주의’

3. 『역전여관』의 아나크로니즘

4. 전전과 전후를 연계하는 서사 전략

5. 나가며

