최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

한일 원폭문학에 나타난 ‘원폭처녀(原爆乙女)’의 비교고찰

A Study on the Comparison of the Atomic Bomb Literature in Korea and Japan: Focusing on the Young Female Victims of the Atomic Bomb of the Literature of Ota Yoko and Flower of the Scar of Kim Ok-sook

DOI : 10.21792/trijpn.2022..96.011
  • 9

This paper is to compare and analyze the aspects of the young female victims of the atomic bomb represented in the Japanese atomic bomb literature with those of the Korean atomic bomb literature. First of all, I looked at the representative works of Japan written about the female victims of the atomic bomb and compared the images of the young female victims of the atomic bomb in the works of Yoko Ota. Ordinary Japan’s atomic bomb literature typically represented that the young female victims of the atomic bomb were symbols of peace and anti-war, and they should be protected and understood. In contrast, I confirmed that Ota’s literature identified that the young female victims were struggling to endure their terrible life and fighting against the discrimination of society like a combatant. Meanwhile, Kim Oksook s novel, Flower of the Scar represented the female victims of the atomic bomb of Korea as the guilty to not only the society but also family, and they were symbolized as a human-being under the yoke of the atomic bomb as the retribution. They had no choice but to endure the lives of atomic bomb victims for their inherited children. It would be reasonable to suggest that ‘Bunhee’ of Flower of the Scar describes those who are fighting against the hell of the atomic bomb just only for protecting their children and following the Confucian concept that has been forced to the women in the Korean society.


1. 들어가며

2. 大田洋子의 원폭문학에 표상된 ‘원폭처녀(原爆乙女)’

3. 한국의 원폭문학에 표상된 ‘원폭처녀(原爆乙女)’

4. 나오며

