최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널


Study of Loanword Verbs: A Case of […in-suru]- in Japanese

DOI : 10.21792/trijpn.2022..96.003
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With regard to the verbs which select a loan word as a stem, it is necessary to survey the definitions of these verbs in dictionaries and the notations concerning their parts-of-speech, in order to look for the characteristics of [sa-gyou irregular verb] in detail. The types of items co-occurring with a predicate also need to be carefully examined. There have been a growing number of verbs which select katakana as a stem or [sa-gyou irregular verbs] which select katakana as a stem, and they do not seem to be stably placed in constructions. The attributive form which generally functions as a predicate-modifier combines with a common noun. On the other hand, a concurrence is judged as a [sa-gyou irregular verb] of the attributive form. By the number of frequencies, [と] is often concurrent, but the example which shows [とき] is remarkable by the number. The concurrent expressions are linearly ordered in terms of frequency, high to low: [と] of manual, [こと, の] of formal noun, the purposive expressions, and common nouns. The fact that the attributive form of a verb does not frequently co-occur with a common noun constitutes a unique characteristic of [sa-gyou irregular verb] containing [in].

1. はじめに

2. 外来語の語幹を介在するサ変動詞

3. 辞書における『イン(in)』を介在するサ変動詞の有様

4. 『イン(in)』を介在するサ変動詞の連体形と共起

5. 結論

