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KCI등재 학술저널

백산학회의 創立과 활동 回顧

A Study of Foundation and Activities of The Paek-San Society

  • 87

백산학회는 1966년 4월 27일 서울 뉴코리어 호텔에서 발기인 총회를 갖고 대륙관계사의 연구와 출판을 목적으로 창립되었다. 이날 개최된 총회에는 당대를 대표하는 역사학자와 고고학자들이 참석했으며, 초대 회장 김상기, 부회장 유봉영이 선임되었다. 이밖에도 평의원으로 고병익, 이병도, 신석호, 천관우 등이 선출되었다. 백산학회에서는 창립 첫 해인 1966년 12월 15일에 학보 1호를 발행하였고, 그 내용이 1967년1월 10일 학회 주최 기자회견을 통해서 일간지에 보도되었다. 학회 운영은 창립 이후 김상기와유봉영이 중심이 되어 학보 간행에 매진하였는데, 대륙관계사 관련 논문을 게재하는 동시에 間島 등의 관련 「資料」를 수록하기 위한 노력도 진행되었다. 최근까지의 학회 운영은 현재까지 8대의 회장을 거쳐 왔는데, 초대 회장인 김상기부터 4대회장 신형식까지 46년 동안은 운영 여건상 연임 체재였다고 할 수 있다. 운영위원 체제의 틀이새롭게 잡히기 시작한 때는 2012년부터이고, 그 이전에는 평의원과 편집위원 중심이었다고 볼수 있다.

The Paek-San Society was founded for the purpose of research and publishing continental relations through a general meeting of founders held on April 27, 1966. Renowned historians and archaeologists of the times attended the general meeting held that day, and the first chairman Kim Sang-ki and vice chairman Yoo Bong-young were appointed. Council members were elected as well. The Paek-San Society published the first academic journal On December 15, 1966, the first year of its foundation, and its contents were reported in a daily newspaper through a press conference hosted by the Society on January 10, 1967. Since its foundation, the Society focused on publishing academic journals led by Kim Sang-ki and Yoo Bong-young. While publishing papers related to continental relations history, the Society also made efforts to include related materials such as Gando. The Paek-San Hakpo(Journal) was published twice a year from the beginning, but the publication schedule changed somewhat. It has been published three times a year since the 62nd issue in 2002. The editorial review of the journal contained a detailed editing process. In addition, Materials were included in the appendix from the No.1 Issue, mainly document records and reports related to Gando maps. Meanwhile, in addition to the publication of academic journals, The Paek-San Society also made efforts to publish a continental relations history and compiled Korean Continental Relations History in 1987. It also has been holding an academic conference on continental relations history since 1996. Although The Paek-San Society was founded later than the Chintan Academic Society or The Association of Korean Historical Studies, it has published 121 issues until recently. In that sense, it deserves to be highly praised in terms of the number of academic journals and not much different from the journals of previously founded academic societies. Given that the high proportion of theses related to continental relations history, it is considered useful to reacting to the Northeast Project of China and territorial issues, and the status is never regarded as low.

Ⅰ. 머리말

Ⅱ. 학회 창립과 역대 임원 활동

Ⅲ. 학보 발행과 학술대회 현황

Ⅳ. 맺음말-성과와 과제-
