최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

Неузуальные способы словообразования в дискурсе СМИ

Non-usual ways of word formation in the language of mass media

DOI : 10.30530/JSL.2022.27.1.117
  • 6

A characteristic feature of modern media is the active production of numerous occasional innovations, which are characterized by expressiveness and implement the language game. The analysis of the innovations that we have encountered in the Russian and Kazakh Russian language press allows us to talk about the variety of ways of language game. The purpose of this article is to describe some non-casual game methods and techniques of the formation of occasional words that we have encountered in two discourses of modern media (written and oral), for further use of this material in classes in Russian as a foreign language. The article describes innovations formed according to some occasional word-formation models that are used by journalists to create a language game. According to our observations, the most common occasional way of word-formation game is contamination, represented by particular varieties: inter-conditional overlay («pure» and with formal modifications), cross-overlay and word-formation by analogy with the replacement of a substantive root component. Also, such a method of expressive word formation as «hocus-pocus» reception, or repetition-sounding, is actively implemented. Analysis of innovations that we found in two discourses of modern Russian and Kazakh Russian-language media (written and oral), allows us to speak about the variety of methods of word-formation. The material for the article was collected directly by the author for the period 2008-2020 (the headlines of publications from Russian and Kazakh Russian-language newspapers, the texts of articles, materials from Internet sites and political programs aimed at different audiences). The author believes that the collected and described material can be used in a foreign audience in the study of courses in morphemics, word-formation and lexicology of the modern Russian language.

1. Введение

2. Приемы образования окказиональных слов

3. Заключение

