Силата на несъзнаваното да ръководи избора-метафора (II): Фокусиране върху анализа на метафоричните изрази в българските и корейските политически речеви текстове
Metaphor Effects to the Unconsciousness (II)
- 한국슬라브어학회
- 슬라브어 연구
- 슬라브어 연구 제27권 제1호
- : KCI등재
- 2022.04
- 97 - 116 (20 pages)
This research is the result of the assumption that the metaphorical expression inherent in political speeches acts unconsciously on the choice of voters. In the two-year study, in the first year, political statements of the President and the Prime Minister, who are prominent Bulgarian politicians, were collected and analyzed. In the second year of the study, the analysis was focused on the political speeches of Presidents Kim Dae-jung and Roh Moo-hyun, representative progressive presidents of Korea. Unlike the statements of Bulgarian politicians, where there are many direct and powerful metaphors such as war and sports, the speeches of Korean presidents are relatively indirect, and metaphors that use many idioms are in the majority. Of course, it is impossible to simply summarize all the characteristics of the numerous political speeches delivered during each five-year term, but it is possible to consider speeches made by presidents on various important issues such as inauguration, unification and economic issues as representative. It has been found that the characteristics of speeches given by Korean and Bulgarian politicians differ even in differences on social issues, but the characteristics of speeches also differ depending on individual preferences. Despite the differences between conservatives and progressives, the president of the Bulgarian Progressive Socialist Party uses an indirect rather than a direct metaphor. Similarly, the metaphors of the two presidents, who are representatives of the progressive political parties in the Republic of Korea, were mostly indirect expressions. This can be interpreted as a high-level tactic for forming consensus in the public consciousness and for convincing political arguments with an easy and convenient metaphor. Differences in metaphorical expressions studied in underfloor heating, differences in metaphorical expressions resulting from differences in perceptions of objects such as awls, and metaphorical expressions of differences between cultures facing east, west, south, and north were also compared and examined. It was confirmed that these examples mentioned in this article are well-known metaphors of the Koreans but may be a little unknown and difficult to understand for Bulgarians and other cultural masses.
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