최근 검색어 전체 삭제

이용자를 고려한 미술관 공간의 빛 표현 특징 연구

A study on the light expression characteristics of the museum space considering the user

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The purpose of this study is to recognize the importance of the lighting environment in the museum space and to explore the effects of the lighting environment on user behavior and psychology. In order to effectively realize the research purpose, the importance of light in the museum space is discussed through literature review, and the relationship between the museum space, light, and users is explained through 4E. The element of light not only gives us visual properties, but also allows the user of the space to experience the emotional aspect. Effective light penetrates the space, forming a relationship with the senses, artistic communication, thinking and psychology of the space user. Therefore, research on a space such as an art museum should not only study the space but also the relationship between the light environment and the user. The ultimate purpose of this study is to suggest a new direction for the future art museum space design and space light environment.

Ⅰ. 서 론

Ⅱ. 본 론

Ⅲ. 결 론

