최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

SALTGLAZE - SHOULD WE OR SHOULDN T WE? -Research into the environmental concerns of Salt glazing-

My work is an attempt to address the concerns for the environment from potters through their activities. I also attempt to address some misleading myths about salt glazing’s impacts on it’s surrounding environment. Although I myself am not a chemist I have utilized the scientific research undertaken by a number of people, ranging from chemical tests of small private kiln effluent to comparative research of the effluent produced in both soda and salt kilns. In doing so I hope to disprove some ill-founded theories, whilst creating greater understanding of the realistic environmental effects of salt kiln use, in the hope that this knowledge can further the understanding, not only of those outside the industry, but also of those in it.


1. Introduction

2. Assessment of Salt kiln pollution

3. Soda Vs. Salt kilns: which is more polluting?

4. Additional scientific research

5. Conclusion

