本論文研究對象為中國唐代絞胎瓷枕。绞胎陶瓷器是一种利用白褐两种色调的泥胎成型的器物,与其他陶 瓷的成型技法不同。绞胎瓷是在器物成型前就已經製作好了紋樣,然後在成型過程中裝飾的紋樣和圖案的瓷 器。絞胎瓷枕是用陶瓷為材料,運用絞胎的製作技法,製成的枕頭,其作爲唐代流行的陶瓷文化為中國絞胎 瓷造成很大的影響。本論文概述了唐代絞胎瓷枕的起源、窯場分布、形態、種類、裝飾紋樣、各種紋樣製作 技法等方面進行了全面分析,以及在特定的時代絞胎瓷枕所具備的文化内涵。絞胎瓷是中國傳統文化的藝術 瑰寶,因其“内外通透,表裏如一” 被稱爲“瓷中君子”。源于唐,興于宋,元代逐漸走向衰亡,絞胎紋的燒 造工藝也慢慢消逝。本文通過整理博物館收藏和出土實物(包括瓷枕殘片),對唐代的絞胎瓷枕出現的時 間、工藝來源、器型、紋飾、製作技法及功能等方面進行整理歸納,論述了當代對中國唐代絞胎瓷枕的繼承 和發展的必要性。
The research object of this paper is the porcelain pillow with twisted shape in the Tang Dynasty. It summarizes the origin of the porcelain pillow with twisted shape of the Tang Dynasty, the distribution of its kiln, its shapes, its types, its decorative patterns, and the making techniques of various patterns and so on. This paper also analyzes the cultural connotation of the porcelain pillow of the specific period. The pattern of the twisted shape is a kind of artistic treasure of Chinese traditional culture. It is called “the gentleman in porcelain” because it is “transparent and consistent inside and outside”. It is also called “gentlemen are harmonious in diversity” because of its “different decorative patterns”. The technique is originated in Tang Dynasty, flourished in Song Dynasty, and gradually declined in Yuan Dynasty, and the firing technology of the pattern of twisted shape porcelain body also gradually disappeared. Through sorting out the collections in museums and unearthed objects (including the fragments of porcelain pillows), this paper summarizes the emergence time, origin of the technology, type of ware, pattern, production techniques and functions of the porcelain pillows of the Tang Dynasty, and elaborates on the necessity nowadays of the inheritance and development of the porcelain pillows with twisted shape of the Tang Dynasty.
Ⅰ. 緒論
Ⅱ. 本輪
Ⅲ. 結論