大量考古发掘资料证实,景德镇湖田窯的窑火远从五代开始兴烧到明代隆(庆)、万(历)之际最 后熄灭,其中连续不间断的烧造达700余年,烧造时间如此之长,这在中国古代众多瓷窑中是非常罕见 的。在这漫长的岁月中,湖田窯烧制的陶瓷品种众多,有白瓷、青瓷、青白瓷、黄黑釉瓷、黑釉瓷、 卵白釉瓷、青花瓷、釉里红瓷、青花釉里红瓷和绿釉瓷、蓝釉瓷等,但是最主流、最具代表性的产品 是清白釉瓷。 本文以宋代为主,针对景德镇湖田窯青白瓷的装饰技法进行研究,探究出宋代湖田窯青白瓷的装饰 技法的演变趋势,并论证这一趋势与当时工艺发展,工艺审美变迁的必然联系。
A large number of archaeological excavations have confirmed that the fire of Hutian Kiln in Jingdezhen began to rise in the Five Dynasties and finally died out in the Ming Dynasty at the time of Longqing and Wanli. It lasted for over 700 years, which was very rare among ancient Chinese kilns. In this long period of time, Hutian Kiln fired a variety of ceramics, including White Porcelain, Celadon, Bluish White Porcelain, Yellow and Black Glazed Porcelain, Black Glazed Porcelain, Egg-white Glazed Porcelain, Blue and White Porcelain, Blue and White Glazed Red Porcelain, Blue and Underglaze Red porcelain, Green Glazed Porcelain, Blue Glazed Porcelain, etc., but the most mainstream, most representative products are White Glazed Porcelain. Focusing on the Song Dynasty, this paper studies the decorative techniques of Blue and White Porcelain in Hutian Kiln in Jingdezhen, explores the evolution trend of the decorative techniques of Blue and White Porcelain in Hutian kiln in The Song Dynasty, and demonstrates the inevitable relationship between this trend and the technological development and aesthetic changes at that time.
Ⅰ. 绪论
Ⅱ. 本论
Ⅲ. 结论