헤럴드 프레드릭과 비판적 사실주의
Harold Frederic and the Critical Realism
- 융합영어영문학회
- 융합영어영문학(구.English Reading and Teaching)
- 융합영어영문학 제7권 1호
- : KCI등재후보
- 2022.04
- 1 - 28 (28 pages)
Although unknown to the Korean readers, Harold Frederic as a pioneer of realism has been actively researched in major countries. To provide a window into 19th-century British and American society, this study aims to study Harold Frederick s masterpieces such as The Damnation of Theron Ware(1896), as well as his short story Brother Sebastian s Friendship, (1887) the seed of his representative work. Many of his novels and journal articles reflect very objectively and faithfully the trajectory of various individuals and the 19th- century society he personally experienced as the London correspondent for The New York Times. Here, this paper examines the author s life and his works classified as the three categories: the historical fiction related to his ancestors during the independent days in the upstate of New York, the capitalistic American background novels about the widespread secularization and degradation of Puritan purity in the late 19th century, and nonfiction about European conservative and aristocratic class. If we look through his works, we can see that he was a thoroughly critical realist writer with a cosmic and eclectic vision.
I. 머리말
II. 헤럴드 프레드릭의 삶과 19세기의 사회
III. 비판적 사실주의
IV. 맺음말