최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

Концепт мужчина в русском и корейском языках

The Study on Concept of Man in Russian and Korean Languages

DOI : 10.34223/jic.2021.14.2.281
  • 5

This article tries to identify and describe the image of «man» in the Russian and Korean pictures of the world. The world is a person and an environment in their interaction. Reflection of the world in consciousness, a person s ideas about the world, information about the environment and a person - this is a picture of the world. Information about the environment and the person, processed and recorded in the language, is the linguistic picture of the world. The subject of the study is the concept of man in Russian and Korean languages. The object of the study is the vocabulary, phraseology, proverb and proverb of Russian and Korean languages, which reflect the idea of a man as an ethical category. The aim of our work is to study the peculiarities of understanding and interpreting the concept man by native speakers of Russian and Korean languages.

Ⅰ. Введение

Ⅱ. Теоретические основания

Ⅲ. Концепт мужчина в русском и корейском языках

Ⅳ. Заключение
