최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

5·18민주화운동에 대한 미국 연구자 담론과 국제관계론적 재해석

US Researchers Discourse and Reinterpretation of International Relation Theory on the 5·18 Democratization Movement

DOI : 10.34223/jic.2021.14.2.217
  • 9

This essay reinterprets the United States Government s role and responsibility of 5·18 democratization movement on the basis of academic products and presents new topics and research methods. For this, I study and analyze the preceding materials such as books and articles about the relationship between 5·18 and the United States. And then, I analyze the attitude of the US Government toward the New Korean Military Force of 1980s from the angel of international relations. Through the analysis of the reference, the Government and Americans have different ideas about the condition there. This research of the relationship between the the Korean and US Government up to the date around the sensational events like 5·18 democratization movement is expected to illuminate the American pragmatic and realist policy rather than the democratic justice, which might be understandable on the condition of reciprocal interaction.

Ⅰ. 서론

Ⅱ. 1989년 미국정부 성명서의 내용과 쟁점 사항

Ⅲ. 5·18민주화운동에 대한 미국의 책임과 견해 차이

Ⅳ. 결론
