최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

지진해일 처오름 높이에 대한 단층매개변수 민감도 분석

Sensitivity Analysis of Fault Failure Parameters to the Maximum Tsunami Heights

DOI : 10.20481/kscdp.2022.9.2.123
  • 22

The initial waveform of the tsunami is determined by fault parameters such as the width and the length of the fault, the strike angle, the dip angle, the slip angle, the vertical distance from the seabed to the fault, and the displacement. Consequently, the tsunami run-up height is changed for various characteristics of the incoming tsunami waves. In this study, we present the analysis of the effect of fault parameters on the maximum tsunami height. The maximum tsunami height was calculated by altering the fault parameter in the tsunami numerical model and the parameter sensitivity to the maximum tsunami height was demonstrated. The depth of the fault did not significantly affect the maximum tsunami height, but the angle and the displacement are related to the maximum tsunami height. Furthermore, the strike angle and the slip angle have significant effects on the maximum tsunami height.

1. 서론

2. 본론

3. 연구방법

4. 수치해석

5. 결론

감사의 글

