최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

2019년도 형법판례 회고

The Reviews of the Criminal Cases of the Korean Supreme Court in 2019

In the year of 2019, 109 criminal cases by the Korean Supreme Court(KSC) are registered on the internet homepage of the Court (https://glaw.scourt.go.kr/wsjo/panre/sjo060.do#1548648740496). 4 criminal law cases of which are decided by the Grand Panel. In this paper, above 4 cases and other several cases are reviewed which seem to be comparatively important to the author. All the reviews are constituted as follows : 1. The Fact of the Case, 2. The Summary of Decision and 3. The Note. The contents of this paper is as follows; I. Introduction II.-V. The Cases by the Grand Panel of the Korean Supreme Court In these chapters, 4 cases of the Grand Panel are reviewed. The subjects of the cases are ‘the distinction between bribery and blackmail’ (Ⅱ), ‘the sentencing of the multiple crimes, some of which are partly charged’(Ⅲ), ‘the criminal character of the request by the highest-ranking officials’(Ⅳ) and ‘the untauglich Versuch of quasi-rape’(V). Ⅵ-XI. The Cases relating to the Interpretation of Individual Crimes In this chapter, 6 cases are reviewed. The subjects of the cases are ‘the concept of the loan in the Loan Act’, ‘the problems of the insurance fraud’, ‘the breach of the Medical Act and the insurance fraud’, ‘the concept of obscene in text messages’, ‘not-reporting of the changed mobile phone number by the sexual criminals’, and ‘untauglich Versuch of the import of methamphetamine’.

Ⅰ. 머리말

Ⅱ. 수뢰죄와 제3자뇌물제공죄의 공동정범의 구별: 대법원 2019. 8. 29. 선고 2018도2738 전원합의체 판결4)

Ⅲ. 법정형 하한이 설정된 사후경합범의 감경방법: 대법원 2019. 4. 18. 선고 2017도14609 전원합의체 판결

Ⅳ. 고위공직자와 강요죄에서 협박의 개념: 대법원 2019. 8. 29. 선고 2018도13792 전원합의체 판결

Ⅴ. 준강간죄의 불능미수: 대법원 2019. 3. 28. 선고 2018도16002 전원합의체 판결

Ⅵ. 대부업법상 대부의 개념: 대법원 2019. 9. 26. 선고 2018도7682 판결

Ⅶ. 보험사기죄의 실행의 착수, 기수 및 종료 시기: 대법원 2019. 4. 3. 선고 2014도2754 판결

Ⅷ. 의료법위반 의료행위와 의료보험 사기죄: 대법원 2019. 5. 30. 선고 2019도1839 판결

Ⅸ. 성매매 유인광고와 음란한 문언의 범위: 대법원 2019. 1. 10. 선고 2016도8783 판결

Ⅹ. 신상정보변경 미신고죄의 문제점: 대법원 2019. 10. 17. 선고 2018도2446 판결

Ⅺ. 필로폰수입죄의 불능미수 여부: 대법원 2019. 5. 16. 선고 2019도97 판결
