최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

미필적 고의에 관한 약간의 고찰


  • 8

In this article the author tries to find an element in dolus eventualis case that makes it a crime with criminal intent, not of negligence. For that purpose he analyzes mens rea, the subjective element of crime, and tries to compare the theories of dolus available in korean criminal law scholarship. Korean criminal law does not have any category similar to ‘recklessness’ in anglo-american law, so the cases subsumed by that category should be classified as either crime with intent or negligence. The author insists after some theoretical investigation on the themes around the criminal intent that the essential element in the dolus eventualis cases the criminal’s attitude of taking result seriouly during committing a crime. So if a criminal took the result seriouly, which at last occurred after her performing some activity, the result can be regarded as committed with criminal intent.

[대상판결] 대법원 1988. 2. 9. 87도2564 판결

[비교판결] 대법원 2009. 2. 26. 2007도1214판결

Ⅰ. 서언

Ⅱ. 고의란 무엇인가?

Ⅲ. 미필적 고의에 관한 세 시각

Ⅳ. 목적적 행위론의 등장과 고의의 구조변화

Ⅴ. 각 학설의 검토

Ⅵ. 몇 가지 문제 사례의 검토

Ⅶ. 대상판례의 검토
